Welcome Boyd Smith

Boyd Smith steps into the role of Executive Director of NH Water Works Association

Boyd Smith comes to the NHWWA with 13 years of leadership in the nonprofit industry, nearly two decades of experience in groundwater and hazardous waste site investigation and remediation, an introductory tenure to the drinking water supply development, and early years at the NH Department of Environmental Services.  His education includes a BSc. (Geology), MSc. (Hydrology) and MBA (strategy and ecological economics), all earned from the University of NH over the course of his career.  Boyd is interested in building multi-disciplinary partnerships to achieve common goals, sees prudent and sustainable policy as an effective road map to broad success, and is excited by the mission-based culture evident in the drinking water supply sector.  He has lived in New Hampshire since 1967, and thrives in the outdoors, hiking and skiing in the White Mountains, riding and assisting with the State’s growing rail-trail network, and finding great places to eat fresh food.  He lives in Concord with his life-partner Annette, and with her is proud of their two adult children who also live in Concord.

You can reach Boyd at bsmith@nhwwa.org

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