NHWWA Welcomes New President and CEO

The Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Sam Currier will serve as the new President and CEO of NH Water Works. “Sam has the experience, motivation and energy the Association was looking for in our new Director, and we are excited to welcome him to the team” said Chris Albert, Chair.

Sam started his water career at the Wastewater Facility in Rochester. He obtained his Wastewater Treatment Grade 2 license and a Collections Grade 3 license. He then took a job at the Rochester Water Treatment Facility. Sam found at this point he was making a career out of water. Over the time spent in Rochester’s drinking water facility he was able to obtain both Treatment and Distribution Grade 2 licenses. With mentorship found from his lead, chief operator, and a few others he found within the New Hampshire Water Works Association (NHWWA), Sam felt confident in taking the next step to become the Superintendent of the Contoocook Village Precinct and Hopkinton Wastewater Department. Sam is passionate about all things water quality and feels lucky to be in this field doing something he enjoys every day.

Sam has been on multiple working committees and boards throughout NH but is most excited about the work he has been able to do as the student outreach coordinator for the NHHWWA Young Professionals. Water quality for both drinking water and wastewater is something Sam has been passionate about since the first day he stepped into this industry. The excitement to come on board as the CEO of NHWWA is overflowing out of him and he cannot wait to get started.

Sam has three important ladies at home – his wife Sarah, and his 2 daughters, Mia and Julia. He also has 2 cattle dogs, Ranger and Craig. “All four are high energy and loving” Sam said, but wouldn’t change anything as they all support him in every move he makes to advance his learning and his career. He does like to have fun too, as he is a captain in a learning league for Ultimate Frisbee and plays on some club teams for Ultimate Frisbee and flag football.