Time and Money – Building Lost Capacity

Time and Money – Building Lost Capacity

Until very recently, federal funding for public water infrastructure had steadily declined for four decades.  During this time, much of our domestic manufacturing capacity moved offshore, creating extended and complex supply chains and loss of our ability to build critical equipment.  Our aging labor force is exacerbated by a nation-wide shortage of skilled operators, engineers, contractors, and regulators.  These deep structural constraints will require a decade or more to address and remedy.

Federal funding for public water changed in 2021, with millions of dollars allocated to New Hampshire through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).  Currently, ARPA funds must be allocated by the end of 2024 and spent by the end of 2026.  BIL funds are scheduled for a five-year disbursement timeline.

Public water projects often take more than a year to design and approve, especially when a local funding component is required.  Construction can easily take another two years, due to winter weather and shortages in contractors and supplies.

New Hampshire’s public water providers are committed to providing clean, safe, and affordable public water in the most expedient and cost-effective way possible.  Given the systemic economic conditions outlined above, we ask you to contact your federal representatives to thank them for allocating much-needed public water funds and ask them to extend spending deadlines to allow sufficient time to rebuild America’s critical water, human, and manufacturing infrastructure.

We have the money, now we need time to ensure it is well invested for a sustainable and secure future.

Win with Water! is an informational series to raise awareness and provide actionable steps to public water system managers, administrators, and policy makers.