Win With Water! January 26, 2022

Who are Water Workers?

All good managers and leaders know their colleagues are the most important part of an organization. Whether a sports team, musical group, or crew that keeps clean, safe, and affordable water coming to the tap, human talent and commitment guarantee success

Last time, we talked about a generational funding opportunity to repair and upgrade drinking and wastewater systems. Now we are sharing ideas about hiring the people needed to make the most of these community investments.

Many of our best and most experienced workers are close to retirement. Losing their knowledge is a risky proposition, best to be avoided, if possible. But between retirements, the “Great Resignation”, and endless pressure on local budgets, what is a manager to do? Here are a few suggestions for recruiting and retaining today’s water workers and beyond:

·    Hire, then retire. Hire new workers to learn alongside experienced staff to ease the transition. Mentor / protégé and apprenticeship models have centuries of proven success.

·    Be flexible. Take a fresh look at actual job requirements and how they can be adjusted to better fit needs of young families and working parents. Quality work-life balance is a powerful incentive!

·    Be realistic. Clean water is the basis for good public health, and dependable and affordable water are the foundation of modern society and our economy. Water worker compensation should reflect the critical nature and enormous value of this service.

Water infrastructure is designed and built to last for decades. We need to make similar investments in the people responsible for its operation and maintenance. Click here to learn more about water worker careers, and share with everyone seeking job satisfaction, financial stability, and public service!

Win with Water! is an informational series to raise awareness and provide actionable steps to public water system managers, administrators, and policy makers.