INFOGRAPHIC released by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

CISA published the infographic, Layering Network Security Through Segmentation, to encourage organizations to implement network segmentation, an effective security technique that divides an organization’s network into multiple segments (also called subnetworks). Properly implemented network segmentation can limit or block an adversary’s access or movement to devices, data, and applications and restricts communications between subnetworks.

This infographic illustrates the level of effort needed for attackers to breach and navigate an unsegmented network versus a highly segmented network. Its goal is to encourage organizations to proactively implement network segmentation to anticipate and prevent potential risks or vulnerabilities before they happen.

To learn more about how you can lower your organization’s risk from malicious cyber activity, view the infographic, Layering Network Security Through Segmentation. CISA also encourages smaller organizations to view its Cyber Essentials and Supply Chain Risk Management Essentials to develop an understanding of where and how to start implementing organizational cybersecurity practices.