NHWWA Meritorious Achievement Award: Recognizing Outstanding Service to NH Drinking Water
The Meritorious Achievement Award recognizes a NHWWA member in good standing who has provided outstanding service to a water utility, or drinking water community through diligence, innovation, leadership, or just plain hard work. The recipient of the NHWWA Meritorious Achievement Award is presented with a plaque and recognized in front of their peers for their accomplishments.
2024 Recipient – Marco Philippon, Superintendent, Concord Water Treatment Plant
Marco Philippon (l) with Sam Currier, NHWWA President & CEO
Marco Philippon received two nominations for the 2024 award. They recognized all they ways he contributes to the drinking water community. In addition to working as the Superintendent of Concord Water Treatment Plant, Marco teaches the C1A course for new water operators and provides continuing education training for very small water system operators through the Roundtables. He also contributes presentations to numerous seminars and trainings throughout the state. His contribution to the NH Drinking Water and Groundwater Advisory Commission was noted. It is a legislative committee that makes decisions on how to spend funds from the Drinking Water and Groundwater Trust Fund. The Commission typically awards between $20 and $30 million annually for drinking water infrastructure construction, source water protection, and other drinking water-related initiatives across the state. His colleague noted that “Marco has become a trusted resource and ‘go to’ person on the Commission bringing the perspective of public water systems and decades of experience to a 19-member body made up mostly of lay people from the NH Legislature and various state agencies.”
Thank you for all those who take the time to recognize fellow colleagues for their valued contributions, public service and dedication to providing quality drinking water in New Hampshire. To be eligible for nomination the recipient must be a NHWWA member in good standing for at least the past year. The recipient can receive the award only one time.
Has someone’s dedication to the job or achievement in our drinking water community stood out to you this year? Do you want to recognize them for their contributions? Nominate them for the 2025 NHWWA Meritorious Achievement Award. It’s an easy process. Click the link below to complete the form. The submission deadline for the 2025 Meritorious Achievement Award is October 31, 2025.