YP Treat and Meet – Portsmouth, NH

Portsmouth Water Treatment Facility

NHWWA Young Professionals Committee is holding a TREAT and MEET with the City of Portsmouth’s Department of Public Works – Water Division.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

2 TCHs

FREE – but registration is required


2:00-3:30 PM – Tour of Portsmouth’s Surface Water Treatment Facility in Madbury

  • 60 Freshet Road, Madbury

3:50-4:45 PM – Tour of Pease PFAS Treatment Plant

  • 200 Grafton Road, Portsmouth


5:00 PM – Great Rhythm Brewery, Food provided

  • 105 Bartlett St., Portsmouth, NH

Join us for tours of the Portsmouth’s Surface Water Treatment Facility in Madbury and the recently completed Pease PFAS Treatment Facility at the Pease Tradeport. The tours will be followed by a gathering at Great Rhythm Brewing Company to taste the fine beverages made with Pease/Portsmouth water. The tour will begin at the Treatment Facility in Madbury at 2:00pm. This facility is a conventional treatment plant that utilizes dissolved air floatation (DAF) for the clarification process. The tour will include a discussion of the process and a walk-through of the Madbury facility including the recently constructed backwash tank and recycled water pumping station. We will then travel to the Pease Water Treatment Facility for a tour of this facility which went on-line in July 2021. This treatment facility removes PFAS from the Pease water supply wells through a process that uses ion-exchange resin filters and granular activated carbon (GAC) filters. This is the first drinking water facility in New England that utilizes the ion-exchange process for the removal of PFAS. The tour will include a discussion of the construction and startup process, operations, and on-going pilot testing.  After the tours, we will meet at Great Rhythm Brewing Company for networking and beverages.


Albert Pratt, PE, Water Resource Manager

Al is the Water Resource Manager for the City of Portsmouth and serves as the Primary Certified Water Operator of the Portsmouth Water System. In 30 years, Al has been employed by the US Environmental Protection Agency, a variety of consulting firms, and the City of Portsmouth. His experience includes many years of groundwater supply development, hydrogeologic mapping, aquifer monitoring, water treatment operations, compliance monitoring, stormwater management, watershed management, spill control and countermeasure planning, water source protection and surface water quality assessments. He has been involved in the design, pilot testing and operations of the PFAS treatment system at the Pease Tradeport, and has been the Project Manager for water system infrastructure improvement projects since he began working for the City in 2015. Al is a NH certified Professional Engineer and is certified as a Grade III NH Water Treatment and Distribution Operator.

Timothy Green, Water Treatment Operations Foreman

Tim is the Water Treatment Operations Foreman for the City of Portsmouth where he is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the PFAS removal system at the Pease Drinking Water Treatment Facility. He was instrumental in the coordination and successful startup of the Pease Facility and has since managed all of the ongoing performance monitoring and operations. During his 12 years in the industry, Tim has experienced many different water treatment methods while treating a variety of sources throughout New Hampshire. Tim is the Primary Certified Water Operator of the Pease Tradeport Water System and is certified as a Grade IV NH Water Treatment and Grade III Distribution Operator. He was awarded the Operator Meritorious Award by the American Water Works Association in 2014.


This event is fully booked.